Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dunia oh dunia

Tringin laknk tulis pendapat tentang dunia zaman skrg.. INGAT!! Pendapat..

The main point is.. Semua org pown nk genggam dunia.. Dunia zaman skrg.. Mmg xley nk percaya ape2 depan mate.. Ini kn gambar2 or video kt media massa.. Mmg x la nk caye.. Blom masuk penulisan2 kat surat khabar, internet atau kt blog2.. Even the main sources of knowledge pown da xbley percaya sgt.. HAISH!!

Back to the main point.. Nape WANasih kate semua org nk genggam dunia.. Rasenye semua org pown akan paham maksud genggam dunia.. Bg aku, term 'nk genggam' bkn sahaja merangkumi pemimpin2 kuasa2 besar dunia dan ahli2 politik yg xhabis berdusta utk meraih undi.. Ia juga termasuklah artis2 yg sanggup buat ape sahaja untuk menggenggam dunia..

entry nie x berakhir disini.. nnt sambung..

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

25 symptoms of DOtA addiction

i'm copy this fact from

this is the place where new words like noob, imba etc. come from..

1. Whenever you lose a Dota game, you want to grab your weak team mate and punch him in the face.

2. Your left thumb is always on the alt button whatever you're doing at your computer. Maybe you want to check your facebook friend's hp bar.

3. When you get amazed at anything you call it 'imba'. 'He scored 99 at his math test, imba!'. You also call things that annoy you, 'imba. 'That guy is imba, he is damn fat'.

4. You relate people's appearances with Dota characters. You call guys with sharp teeth, Gondar. You call black friends, Nevermore. You call ugly fat guys, pudge.

5. Winning a Dota game makes you feel like a celebrity. You stand up feeling that everyone is looking at you. You tend to snob weaker players and treat them as your fans.

6. You start getting fat because of lacking exercise but you ignore it. You think that as long as you win, you'd be a handsome celebrity.

7. You play Dota from the moment you wake up until the last hour you are awake. Then, you continue playing in your dream.

8. Playing Dota is having several code names like, "mom, I'm doing my research I'll be home at 2am.", "yeah, dad I'm changing the tires of my car.", "hello sweetheart, where am I?(thinking...) Damn, damn, the battery is low... (turn cell phone off and resume game)"

9. You become so thrifty on anything except on Dota. You would endure not buying food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then spend everything you earn playing Dota.

10. Dota became a third party on your relationship. Your girlfriend is starting to let you choose between her and Dota. The worse thing is, you choose Dota.

11. You say the word 'aw' in really life. Girlfriend: "my mom is sick." You: "aw, sorry to hear that.."

12. You have a facebook photo album full of Dota screen shots though people don't really care about it.

13. You judge the totality of the person based on how good he plays. Ugly but good player would say, "How the hell that noob guy got a hot girlfriend?! I'm gonna tell his gf that he's noob so she can change her mind."

14. You are enumerating Dota character names while doing other things like watching tv, walking to school, cooking, eating, pooping, dating.

15. Sexy fan arts of lady Dota characters make you aroused. Worse, you search for more sexy pics of Dota character. Worst! You search for their nude pics.

16. You find it difficult to sleep after losing a Dota game. Your body rotates like 30 times while thinking before you sleep. You even hammer your pillow and repeat a phrase several times, like "I did my best!". And sometimes, you'd do the most pathetic thing ever you can do with your life, you cry.

17. When you go to a party with your friends to hang out, the topic you're going to discuss are the following: Dota games played, Dota new plan, Dota character's strengths and weaknesses, and how 'imbalance' is the food you're eating.

18. You try teaming up with good players because you get so afraid to lose a Dota game. You feel like losing a Dota game would turn you into a vapor and dissolve out from this planet.

19. You remember the exact time you bought all your items but forget the time your home will be locked.

20. You try to play better whenever a girl is near, thinking that they would approach and ask you to be her boyfriend after.

21. The years you are addicted to Dota would be the years you are in a different world, forgetting your real life. You wake up suddenly, "wtf, I'm 30 and I'm still at high school?!"

22. You depend on Dota games whether you'd be having money for your meal or not.

23. It's your birthday and your birthday wish is to play Dota and won't be disturbed by anyone.

24. You start to have a hot-temper, like you want to cast lightning bolt on your teacher.

25. This is the ultimate test. Check your yahoo messenger, if 90% on the list are Dota buddies, congratulations! You are within the portals of Dota Realm.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


semua org ade pendapat msg2.. semua org ade falsafah tersendiri.. xkira muda atau tua.. pasti ade percanggahan antara idealogy msg2.. OPEN YOUR HEART, OPEN YOUR MIND.. adekah kite terfikir nape kite perlu belajar?? pada dahulu kala, belajar itu utk mendalami dan mengkaji sesuatu ilmu.. akan tetapi, tujuan utama umat akhir zaman ini belajar.. mestilah sbb nk kerja.. sbb memikirkan tahap kemalasan aku yg menjadi2.. soalan camnie la yg kluar dr kepala keras nie.. NAPE KITE PERLU BELAJAR??

landcape architectkah aku??

bile difikirkan sejenak.. Confirmke aku akan jd seorang landscape architect berjaya suatu hari nnt.. ade kah kerjaya ini boleh survive di zaman ekonomi yg terumbang-ambing dek ketidakstabilan wang kertas yg dikawal 100% oleh golongan2 tertentu?? tue pon kalau sijil aku layak utk digunakan.. rmi org yg dah berkerjaya skrg, mmg laen dr ape yg dorg belajar.. siapakah aku dimasa hadapan??

berbalik kpd soalan bdk plg mls dlm dunia nie.. haha.. org kate, belajar ape yg kite minat.. nie lah antara benda yg xbrape nk logic diakal pd mase skrg.. tringat mase UPU dulu.. ade lah dlm 10 pilihan.. majoriti org dapat ape yg dorg xbrape minat.. mcm xwujud jek pilihan 1-4.. mesti dapat pilihan yg selebihnye.. HAISH!!! so, cne nk blaja ape yg diminati.. npe nk blaja ape yg minat klu mase nk cari kerja.. 70%(nie peratusan memandai namenye) kerja laen yg dorg belajar.. dulu belajar bussiness mngmnt.. ccceeewwwwaaahh!!.. tbe2.. jeng jeng jeng.. aik, npe jd tue jd nie.. zzz.. cam belajar tue sekadar mengisi mase kanak sehingga penghujung zaman remaja..HAISH!!

mane lah taw tbe2 org terundi aku jd PM!! hahaha

pape pown.. kene belajar..penting la kowt.. disitu membezakan standard seseorg.. tnpa segulung ijazah.. maka rendahnye martabat seseorg.. tue la dunia zaman skrg.. nk bg ceramah pown nk kene ade sijil segala.. HAISH!! nk kahwin?? lg la.. tue la benda 1st ibu mertua akan tye.. HAISH!! plg truk pown kene ade degree.. diploma org xpandang la weyh.. spm?? lg la.. HAISH!!pikir punye la jauh.. tp tindakan?? HAISH!! xtaw nk cakap ape..

wanasih seorang yang rajin..

wanasih seorang yang rajin..

wanasih seorang yang rajin..



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kahwin!! Awal @ lambat??

Dlu time skola xpnh plak pikir pasal nie.. Tp ble da masuk IIUM nie.. byk plak thought yg secara tibe2 muncul secara drastik.. Secara tibe2, muncul plak thought kenapa IIum bg benefit kt student yg kahwin awal.. Klu difikirkn, RM1000 tu bkn la jumlah yg mencukupi utk mnanggung pbelanjaan kahwin zaman skrg nie.. Yelah, klu bleh nk wat wedding of the year.. stakat RM1000.. 10% pown blom tentu..HAISH!!
Stelah difikirkn.. Maybe it just a catalyst to influence student utk kahwin awal.. yela.. INTERNATIONAL kn.. sosial pown kne ikot standard INTERNATIONAL.. Mungkin nie salah satu care nk elakkn perkara xdiingini berlaku.. Yelah.. Paham2 lah.. Kucing pown xbuang anak merata2.. Stakat rumah pasangan.. motel pown ade kn?? hahaha.. Tp klu kahwin awal.. Terberanak plak tue.. xke mengganggu study?? Bley pl
ak nk suruh bayi tue berdikari tyme class?? Ade plak roomate yg nk susukn?? Blom kire nk tanggung susu & lampin lg.. Klu dpt isteri yg sanggup susukan anak sampai umur 2 thn pown blom tentu bley tanggung kos pakaian + lampin.. blom tentu 2thn akan dtg dpt kerja yg bgus.. nk bayar PTPTN lg.. Ade plak org pakai kain lampin zaman skrg.. ade plak mase nk basuh2 kain lampin.. bju sendiri pown tguu smpai melimpah2 bakul bru nk basuh.. blom masuk kematangan menyelesaikn masalah.. Kunk xpsl2 seminggu dua je
k tahan.. then cerai.. byk lg thought yg ade.. maybe bley discuss dlm comment.. mls nk tulis panjang2 HAISH!!..

kahwin lmbat plak??

Nie la thought yg plg fair stakat nie.. 50-50 baek buruknye.. ble kahwin lmbat nie biasanye.. Sumber kewangan da stabil.. Kerja pown da ok.. yela.. Drpd office boy mungkin jd ketua ofice boy.. Drpd promoter da jd supervisor.. Drpd guru percubaan jd guru penuh dugaan.. Sumber kewangan pown xputus.. klu nasib baek.. dpt kahwin yg cun2.. yelah.. 'umur bukan lah penghalang, yg penting kasih sayang from bottom of my heart' kata wanita VEET itu.. yelah.. klu suami dah _____.. xke semua harta bley kebas.. ble
y bela anak ikan, yg kachak2.. HAISH!! Tp klu isteri yg sebaya plak.. xley lah nk wat team bola.. yelah, ade limit kn nk mngandung2 nie.. Ade plak da lps menopause dpt 7 8 org anak?? Lg pon mne ade org nk anak ramai skrg... Taraf hidup makin tinggi.. Duit semakin xde nilai..HAISH!!

Mne2 option pown ade baek buruknye.. Yang penting ketabahan suami isteri menghadapi dugaan berumah tangga sambil backup membackup yg mne kurang yg mane labih.. Jgn dok pikir nk cerai jek bile ade masalah.. Penceraian itu ibar
at meruntuh kn sebuah masjid.. Kne gk fikirkan tanggung jawab yg dipikul.. Tanggung jwb suami keatas keluarga.. tanggung jawab isteri keatas suami.. Jgn igt kahwin tue bende mudah dan menyeronokkn..
selamat pengantin baru tue Qarafi (a week older then me i think) & nusaibah


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Antara kereta @ rumah

Bunyinye cam simple tought yg mudah dijawabkn?? Mestilah rmi yg jawab kereta kn?? Kalau bley nk kereta baru jek.. Kalau bley tak tukar kereta pown tak apa.. Tukar no. plat latest pown jd la.. Rumah nk wat ape.. Muda lg.. Lmbat lg nk berkeluarga.. Rumah mak ayah kn ade..

Akan tetapi..

Cbe klu kite fikir mase depan?? tidak kah kereta akan jatuh harga?? Da la 2nd hand org dah tak pandang.. Ade plak org nk beli kereta lame.. Da la byk masalah.. Rosak sini, rosak sane.. Ntah-ntah tuan sebelum nie pakai 2 kali sehari accident .. Belom tentu kreta yg kite ade skrg bley jual dlm mase 7-8 thn akan dtg..

Nie antara toplist kereta idaman WANasih.. haha.. Ford Fiesta.. Andai kate la.. Skrg kereta nie 80k++ kn.. Agk2 tyme da berkerjaya nk tolak nk tukar Merc, BMW @ Audi (kononnye la kn) brape sen sgt lah dpt?? hmm.. plg byk pown 15k.. HAISH!!

Sebalik nye.. Rumah plak.. Harga tak pernah nk turun.. Naek jek.. Macam harga minyak kat Malaysia.. harga rumah naek.. harga tanah naek.. So.. dlm mase 7-8 tahun.. da bley cecah 2 kali ganda.. HAISH!! sgt berbeza gn kereta..

Tp kn.. Rumah skrg ade plak below 500k?? haha..HAISH!!